
We encourage you to get connected with a ministry.  There are various areas where you can engage how God leads you.  Click the button below to learn more and become a part!

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Avenues of Advancement is our Capital Campaign. Click on the button below to learn about our undertaking and how you can play a part in the life of our church!

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By your giving, you can support the Lord’s church in a number of ways.  Know that you are planting good seed in good soil as we commit ourselves to Him by sowing our seed!

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I would like to thank you for taking the time to look over our web site. I always enjoy having the chance to tell others about our church and more importantly, about our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We hope the description of our church, its ministries, and facilities is helpful, but of course, our church is much more than these things. So, whether you are passing through Houston, TX or are looking for a church to call home in the Houston area, please come and visit us.

If you have any questions about our church, the Bible, or Christianity, please feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to help you in any way that I can.


Senior Pastor

Click Here to learn more about our Bishop



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